Hello Bloggers!
My name is Lily Chen, many of my friends call me Lil, Lils, or Lilay. Pick your favorite! :) In this blog, I will be sharing with you my fitness journey, my goals and dreams in life. Things that will make my heart sing and push me towards my dreams. <3
Throughout my life, many of my goals and dreams had changed. Going through lots of up and down along the way, it had built me to become a stronger individual today. Life is all about taking chances. Every step we plan to make, starts a new chapter in our life. Some changes we make terrifies us because we are clueless as to where it may take us. Nevertheless, how else will we develop ourselves if we don't take those chances? Each step we take builds up who we are at the end. It's hard finding a balance for each decision.
When I look back to my own life, I see many positive and negative decisions I had made. At times, I regret some decisions. But, the decisions I made, all taught me life lessons' and guided me along this journey to my destination.
Life is a roller-coaster, we have to ride it, they all say. Without making choices and without taking chances, there would be lots of “what if’s”. Life is too short not to try out new things. There's always a new beginning in life. We just need to put ourselves out there and make the decisions we think should be made.
“Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind."-Bernard M. Baruch
Until next time!
Lil <3
The only constant in life is change, for sure. I am glad to see you're excited about life, keep on keep trucking as they say :)